MotherNet members Sara Sylvén from Uppsala University and Fergus Ryan from Maynooth University will visit Vilnius University and give a series of lectures.

On 7-9 November, MotherNet member Sara Sylvén from Uppsala University will give a series of lectures at Vilnius University on Perinatal Psychiatry. MD, PhD Sara Sylvén is a psychiatrist at Uppsala University Hospital and a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University.
- On 7 November a visit and lecture-discussion for psychiatrists and residents at the Republican Vilnius Psychiatric Hospital.
- On 8 November a visit and lecture-discussion for physicians and residents of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Clinics.
On 6-10 November, MotherNet member Fergus Ryan from Maynooth University will give a series of lectures at Vilnius University on LGBT+ rights and Family law. Dr Fergus Ryan is an Associate Professor in Law and Head of the School of Law and Criminology at Maynooth University. His areas of interest include family law, child law, non-traditional new families, LGBTQ+ families and parenting, and legal gender recognition.
- On 8 November at 11 AM guest lecture “The Current State of LGBT+ Rights in Ireland and in the World”will be given in the context of the course module Human Rights, led by Prof. Eglė Šumskienė).
- On 9 November at 11 AM the discussion on the criminalisation of domestic violence(the lecture will be given in the context of the course module Grounds for Exercising Criminal Liability, led by Assoc. Prof. Ilona Michailovič).
- On 9 November at 3 PM guest lecture “The Institutions of Marriage and Civil Partnership: Irish and Comparative Perspectives” (the lecture will be given as part of the course module Contemporary Motherhood/Fatherhood led by Assoc. Prof. Eglė Kačkutė, Assist. Dr. Ieva Bisigirskaitė, Assoc. Prof. Lina Šumskaitė and Dr. Raminta Baušytė).
Additionally, Fergus Ryan will meet with the members of Vilnius University Gender Equality Network and with the representatives of the Department of Private Law at the Law Faculty to discuss further cooperation opportunities. Furthermore, Fergus Ryan will join the international-practical conference on the empowerment of LBGT+ youth hosted on November 7 by The National LGBT rights organization LGL and the international social policy conference “Social Policy Responses: From Old Issues to The New Challenges” hosted by Vilnius University Department of Social Policy on November 10.
Both visits are part of MotherNet project and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952366.