Cultural studies

Cultural studies

Creative and crime scene photography: staged patricide and matricide as screen memories in Aida Chehrehgosha’s ‘To Mom, Dad and My Two Brothers’

Atene Mendelyte (2022) Creative and crime scene photography: staged patricide and matricide as screen memories in Aida Chehrehgosha’s To Mom, Dad and My Two Brothers, photographies, 15:2, 167-186, DOI: 10.1080/17540763.2022.2060291

by Atėnė Mendelytė
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Ganarse la vida. Género y trabajo a través de los siglos

Abstracts of the working session ‘Mothers and Work’ that was organized by Eglė Kačkutė and Valerie Heffernan in Granada.

by Eglė Kačkutė, Valerie Heffernan
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Social Work

Still Waters Run Deep: The Invisible Life of Working Mothers with Disabilities in Lithuania

Gevorgianienė, V., Šumskienė, E., & Bradley, C. (2022). Still waters run deep: The invisible life of working mothers with disabilities in Lithuania. Qualitative Social Work.

by Violeta Gevorgianienė, Eglė Šumskienė, Ciara Bradley
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Cultural studies

El mito del sacrificio de Ifigenia en el film Sophie’s Choice: la dicotomía moral de una madre en el contexto del Holocausto 

Sebastià Sáez, M. (2021). El mito del sacrificio de Ifigenia en el film Sophie’s Choice: la dicotomía moral de una madre en el contexto del Holocausto. Studia Philologica Valentina, 2: 641-647.

by María Sebastià-Sáez
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Cultural studies

Le cinesi de Manuel García y Metastasio en el siglo XXI: el mito de Andrómaca como paradigma de viuda y madre virtuosa en una ópera de salón neoclásica y orientalizante’

Sebastià Sáez, M. (2021). Le cinesi de Manuel García y Metastasio en el siglo XXI: el mito de Andrómaca como paradigma de viuda y madre virtuosa en una ópera de salón neoclásica y orientalizante. In: Movellán, M. (ed.) ‘L’Orient a la tradició literària grecollatina i la seua recepció. Rhemata Monografias, Spain.

by María Sebastià-Sáez
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Cultural studies

Procne in Toni Morrison’s Beloved

Schottenius Cullhed, S. (2022). Procne in Toni Morrison’s Beloved, Classical Receptions Journal, 14(1), 89-103.

by Sigrid Schottenius Cullhed
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Cultural studies

International Responses to Regretting Motherhood

Heffernan V., Stone K. (2021) International Responses to Regretting Motherhood. In: Fitzgerald A. (eds) Women’s Lived Experiences of the Gender Gap. Sustainable Development Goals Series. Springer, Singapore.

by Valerie Heffernan, Katherine Stone
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