Associate Professor at Vilnius University at the Sociology and Social Work Institute, Social Policy Department. Her doctoral thesis (2014) focused on men fathering practices. She teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on family, social policy, gender studies and qualitative research in Social Policy and Social Work programs. Her research is on men’s and women’s procreational intentions, experiences of not having children, and qualitative research on mothering and fathering issues.
With colleagues Lina has published the following articles:
Šumskaitė, L. (2024). Alternative Happy Endings? A Qualitative Study of Non-Mothers in Lithuania. In Negotiating Non-Motherhood Representations, Perceptions, and Experiences, eds. Jenny Björklund, Dovilė Kuzminskaitė, Julie Rodgers. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Michailovič, I., & Šumskaitė, L. (2024). Violence of adult sons against mothers in the context of matricide. Filosofija. Sociologija, 35(2): 25-33.
Šumskaitė L., Gedvilaitė-Kordušienė M. (2021) Childless Women’s Relationships with Children of Others: Narratives from Two Generations in Lithuania. In: Wahlström Henriksson H., Goedecke K. (eds) Close Relations. Crossroads of Knowledge. Springer, Singapore.