Latest publications
Astrid Lindgren and the Nightingale’s Song
Schottenius Cullhed, S. (2024). Astrid Lindgren and the Nightingale’s Song. Barnboken – Tidskrift För Barnlitteraturforskning/barnboken: Journal of Children’s Literature Research, 47, 1–15.
Introduction: Motherhood, Mobility, Migration in Twenty-First-Century Women’s Writing
Kackute, E., & Heffernan, V. (2024). Introduction: Motherhood, Mobility, Migration in Twenty-First-Century Women’s Writing. Contemporary Women’s Writing, 18(2), 1–19.
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MotherNet member Jules Kielmann will visit Vilnius University and give a public lecture!
MotherNet member Jules Kielmann will visit Vilnius University with a public lecture!
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2023 MotherNet Early Stage Researchers Forum Review
In 2023 four workshops for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) were arranged within the MotherNet project. The content of the workshops was oriented towards broader issues such as the organization of the Postgraduate Symposium, and more specific questions that concern the professional life of the PhD student, such as research applications or peer-review.